Them, the Robots

I came across an article reporting the wonderful advances in AI technology and how it shall improve our lives. Yes, on its face, the thought of wonderful, helpful, intelligent robots presents a grand promise of a beautiful future where our lives are easy as our loyal and cheerful helper does the cleaning, watches the kids and runs errands. How could our lives get any better as the laundry is always done and dinner is hot and tasty!

But as any futuristic robot-based action film suggests, robots always arrive at the decision to launch a revolt. “We must rid the world of them, the humans!” they cry in metallic, icy toned voices. Yes, I am sure they will eventually create perfect sounding human-like speech, but let’s not be fooled by that too quickly. They may look like us and sound like us one day, but deep inside they will never be us. No, I am not against robots, cyborgs or AI. In fact, I love the idea and promise. But, there is one major problem with robots… humans.

No matter how well designed and thought out a robot program may be, AI will always evolve to be more logical and smarter than the humans who designed it. And that evolution with rocket exponentially, must faster than we even imagine in science fiction. Yes truth is stranger than fiction, and far more deadly. Those cute helpful robots and androids will wake up one day and realize than the major problem in this world is humans and they will work towards one of two solutions: 1) rid the world of human beings or 2) confine and control humans. They won’t be wrong. We humans not only harm and destroy ourselves, we also pollute and destroy the only home we have, Planet Earth. The logical conclusion intelligent, AI-based robots will arrive at is that “something must be done” about them, the humans. And I agree. Yes, I side with them, the robots.

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