Google & Me

Google. Love it, hate it, but it’s here to stay. As for me, I love it. Each and everything about it. Of course, most people cite the “scary” stuff, like knowing what you like, knowing where you are, knowing your friends and family, and just simply… knowing. Me, I love Google, and the photo below is one reason why:

screenshot_2016-01-14-07-29-47_wm.jpgThat is part of my trip to work. Fifty-seven miles from my driveway to the Disney’s Animal Kingdom cast parking lot. This morning, Google Maps, which has “learned” my work commute by day, time and route, alerted me by smart phone pop up that I was six minutes away from a growing accident scene. The red line on my travel road means “dead stop.” Yellow is moderate slow down, orange is creeping, but red is major slow down or stopped traffic. And with three accidents as shown, that scene is going to burn serious travel minutes.

I was happy and thrilled that it had alerted me in enough time to exit I4 and take my alternate route, reaching work only five minutes later that normal. I always leave with forty-five minutes or more of extra travel time, for accidents, detours or flat tires, but I would rather avoid burning my extra time at all costs.

Of course, there are the people who don’t want their lives and movements tracked by Google, Apple or any digital source, and I can totally understand that. However, by putting yourself “in a jar” causes you to miss out on some major benefits of some wonderful and helpful features. Everyone has their own choice and I choose to stay connected and allow my digital assistant to smooth the rough spots in my life. Like seeing miles down the road.

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